gaisa mitrinātāji

Gaisa mitrinātājs nodrošina nepieciešamo gaisa mitruma līmeni, atvieglojot elpošanu gan bērniem, gan pieaugušajiem. Šī ierīce  nodrošina labvēlīgus miega apstākļus. Miegs ir nepieciešams smadzeņu un ķermeņa pareizai funkcionēšanai, tas ir sava veida stiprinošs līdzeklis ikdienas stresa gadījumā, tas ļauj jums atjaunot savu ķermeni. piedāvā mitrinātājus ar aukstu tvaika izmešu funkciju, kas ir ideāls risinājums lietošanai kā guļamistabā, bērnistabā, dzīvojamā istabā vai birojā. Pateicoties ultraskaņas tehnoloģijai, ierīce darbojas ļoti klusi un efektīvi. Turklāt daži no mūsu modeļiem ir aprīkoti ar difūzu aromātu, kas ļauj piepildīt istabu ar jūsu iemīļoto smaržu. Gaisa mitrinātāji bērniem ir pilnīgi droši. Kad ūdens tvertnē beidzas, ierīce tiek automātiski izslēgta. Mūsu ierīces ir arī energotaupīgas. Īpaši tos ir vērts izmantot apkures sezonā, kad mūsu mājās ir sauss un nelabvēlīgs gaiss.

Active filters

TM ULTRA 3 air humidifier
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TM ULTRA 3 air humidifier

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Availability: Out of stock

Air humidifier

2 years warranty

Gaisa mitrinātājs Krokus
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Tech Med Krokus air humidifier

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Availability: Out of stock

Air humidifier

2 years warranty

Увлажнитель воздуха с ионизатором

Tech Med Lotos air humidifier black

Availability: 1 In Stock

Air humidifier

2 years warranty

Увлажнитель воздуха с ионизатором

Tech Med Lotos air humidifier white

Availability: 1 In Stock

Air humidifier

2 years warranty

Where to buy tea tree essential oil

Tee tree essential oil

Availability: 8 In Stock
where to buy Eucalyptus essential oil 100%

Eucalyptus essential oil 100%

Availability: 8 In Stock

Action: antiseptic, antispasmodic, analgesic, deodorizing, diuretic, lowering blood sugar, expectorant, activating mental activity, bactericidal, antiviral, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory

Application: External!

Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil

Availability: 4 In Stock
where to buy Lemongrass essential oil

Lemongrass essential oil - Cymbopogon citratus...

Availability: 4 In Stock

Lemongrass essential oil tones, invigorates, expels depression, gives rise to optimism. It is used for disorders of digestion, appetite, blood circulation, fluid retention, cellulite, decreased muscle tone. It is useful for caring for oily skin and hair as it shrinks pores and prevents excessive oiling. Repels insects.

Dosing: External

Packing: 10 ml

Made in EU

Cedarwood essential oil

Cedarwood essential oil

Availability: 6 In Stock

Cedar-tree oil promotes mental activity, concentration of attention, balances emotions, and inspires confidence. It is used for respiratory infections, cough, bronchitis, fluid retention. Suitable for oily skin, hair, acne and cellulite. Regenerates the skin and removes wrinkles.

Basil essential oil

Basil essential oil

Availability: 6 In Stock

Basil oil tones and refreshes. Helps to increase mental activity, memory power, attention span. It is also suitable for problems with the upper respiratory tract, angina, bronchitis, cough, lack of appetite, difficulty in digestion, nausea and vomiting. Nourishes and restores skin and hair, repels insects.

Dosing: External

Packing: 5 ml

WHere to buy pine-tree essential oil

Pine-tree essential oil

Availability: 6 In Stock

Pine oil purifies and deodorizes indoor air. Contributes to increased performance, concentration of attention, gives a burst of energy and new strength. It is used for respiratory and sinus infections, cough, bronchitis. Strengthens the body's resistance forces. Relieves muscle pain, arthritis, rheumatism. Strengthens hair, regenerates skin.

Dosing: External

Packing: 10 ml

Made in EU

Where to buy bergamot 100% essential oil

Bergamot essential oil

Availability: 5 In Stock

Bergamot oil has a refreshing aroma that reduces stress and controls depression and anxiety. Reduces excess oiliness, shrinks pores and is a good care for oily skin that is prone to acne. Prevents sweating and deodorizes.

Packing: 10 ml

Made in EU

Where to buy 100% naturally geranium oil

Geranium essential oil

Availability: 4 In Stock
Where to buy 100% naturally peppermint essential oil

Peppermint essesntial oil

Availability: 2 In Stock

Peppermint oil (Mentha Arvensis) removes fatigue, tension, has a refreshing and invigorating effect. It is useful for digestive problems, stomach pain, nausea and vomiting. Relieves headaches, migraines, muscle and joint pain. Cleanses the skin and soothes skin irritations and inflammations.

Packing: 10 ml

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