One liter of dr Zablocka brine contains more than 110 mg of iodine, 130 mg of bromine, 800 mg calcium, 400 mg magnesium. The iodine content of Zabłocka brine is the highest known in the world, among the natural saline solutions. Furtherore, the particularly valuable property of dr Zablocka Brine is that the elements are in a state of chemical equilibrium, which remarkably facilitates their absorption into the body. The brine is biologically pure, because for millions of years it had no contact with the outside world. What is more, due to its exceptionally high mineralization, the chemical composition of dr Zablocka brine bears some features of the sea products.
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Indications for the use of Zablocka Brine Mist are:
- preventive therapy and treatment of the respiratory track ailments
- chronic rhinitis, and inflammation of throat, larynx, bronchi and lungs
- perioperative treatment of respiratory track
- emphysema, pneumoconiosis and asthma
- enrichment of the air with iodine
- humidification and clearing of the air from allergens
Contraindications for use of Zablocka brine mist are: cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis, all diseases accompanied with hemoptysis and bleeding, hyperthyroidism and allergy to iodine. In terms of these conditions application of brine for inhalations should be consulted with a doctor.
A physico-chemical analysis of Zablocka drbrine from the well St-5 completed on 10/29/2014 by the Central Mining Institute Laboratory of Water Analysis
Appearance: Water clear, colorless
Smell: specific
Taste: salty
pH: 7.4
Conductivity: 53400 mS / cm