Producer: Gima,Italy
2 years warranty
There are 39 products.
Producer: Gima,Italy
2 years warranty
Nepārspējama akustisks jutīgums
5. in 1 - daudzmērķu
Maināmā galva - pieaugušu un bērnu diafragmai
Maināmā galva - 3 toņi (1 1/4 ", 1", 3/4 ")
Patentētā vārsta mehānisma konstrukcija
Dubultcaurules konfigurācija
Producer: Gima,Italy
2 years warranty
Vienreizlietojamais mini auss spekula Ø 4 mm — pelēka krāsa
For Littmann II,III,IV, Riester,Erka etc.
Sirio with 3 one piece cuffs: child, adult and adult large in a nylon bag
RESPIPROGRAM - incentive spirometer
RESPIPROGRAM incentive spirometer is a simple device for exercising breathing through inhalation.
Made in Italy