Particle size created by our VAT bottle is around 2.07 μm (MMAD) tested by Cascade Impactor. Compared to most bottles in the market, our proprietary bottle ensures more efficient and effective performance.
The Microlife PF 100 is a digital measuring device of peak expiratory flow (PEF) and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) for the respiratory monitoring of asthmatic patients. The device stores 240 measurements and has a USB port allowing measurements to be uploaded to a PC. It’s possible to manage the patient’s respiratory profile with the special Asthma Analyser Software supplied with the product or downloadable from our website.
Basil oil tones and refreshes. Helps to increase mental activity, memory power, attention span. It is also suitable for problems with the upper respiratory tract, angina, bronchitis, cough, lack of appetite, difficulty in digestion, nausea and vomiting. Nourishes and restores skin and hair, repels insects.